The reason of your life ? Maybe you can read this

Ruben Stefanus
2 min readApr 3, 2020

Baru - baru ini gw beres baca buku “The Book of IKIGAI”, apaan sih ini ? IKIGAI ? Yes, ini merupakan istilah dalam bahasa Jepang.

Ikigai berarti alasan seseorang untuk hidup di dunia ini

Konsep Ikigai ini sudah mengakar kuat di kebudayaan Jepang. Yang menarik saat gw baca buku ini gw melihat bagaimana orang Jepang bisa bersyukur untuk hal-hal yang sangat kecil, mereka selalu melakukan segala sesuatu secara perfect dan detail oriented.

Bagaimana bisa ada orang yang mendedikasikan hidup nya hanya demi membuat porselen tanah liat a.k.a Japanese Ceramic Art dan orang itu adalah Sokichi Nagae. Untuk detail nya lu bisa baca di link berikut :

Aneh ga sih ? But its quite interesting haha

Kaya gimana sih konsep Ikigai ini ? Coba kita liat ilustrasi gambar di bawah ini

Ikigai baru dapat tercapai kalo pekerjaan atau hal-hal yang lu lakukan sudah berada dalam 4 buah komponen. Let’s breakdown this :

  • What you LOVE
  • What the world NEEDS
  • What you can be PAID FOR
  • What you are GOOD AT

What you LOVE ?
Sure, you must do what you love because maybe it can be your job for entire life or a mindset of why i need to do something which is i’m not really love it. It’s really waste our time right ? not productive, clock is ticking haha

What the world NEEDS ?
Definitely, you want see yourself can give impact or contribute to ecosystem of world. But, its sound hypocrite for some people LOL

What you can be PAID FOR ?
First thing, make sure what you gonna do can make income for you bro. You need money for have a good life. Don’t be naive to only pursue your dream or passion even without thinking about this aspect

What you are GOOD AT ?
Absolutely, if you consider yourself bad at your job. How you can have some confidence, you gonna stuck at that level of your life. Come on just find out what you are at least have potential on specific field and keep yourself growing bro

Combination of all components maybe can give you an answer about what is the reason of your life. HAHA

Thank you for read this article, hope it’s help or inspire you :)

